Posted 11-04-2024
CRACKUPS releases energetic art punk single “Sgt. Haze”
Blink and you’ll have missed it, but if these 1.35 minutes of punchy, brisk and energetic art punk song “Sgt. Haze” don’t get you going in the morning, we don’t know what will. CRACKUPS are a band of extremes: insanely fast, tight, seriously loud, but with a keen sense of melody and ear for detail.
Album number 3 (titled "Plexi") will be out by the end of the year. True to their DIY state of mind, they took matters into their own hands again for production and artwork. First single “Sgt. Haze” doesn’t beat about the bush. Don’t look for a handbrake, as they still don’t have one, much to everyone’s relief. No-nonsense and no secrets. Inspired by a record collection that could be their parents’. B-52's and Devo meets Viagra Boys and Warmduscher.

Sgt. Haze